MT Pockets Computers
MT Pockets Computers was started in the fall of 1997 as a side-job run from home. The owner had gotten his start in computers working on the family farm, raising hogs. The operation had simply grown beyond clipboards and required a full-on database to keep track of.
Enter the digital age! As progress was made from a Texas Instruments magnetic tape reader to a TRS-80 from Radio Shack, to a KayPro running MBASIC, the technology was cutting edge and a blast to learn. Soon the x86 processors took over, and with them came Windows and business networking as we know it today. That initial enthusiasm for learning and for technology in particular has never left us, and as MT Pockets has grown from a room in the house to it's own storefront, to an operation servicing from Abilene to Shreveprort, the opportunites have only increased. Let us share our love of tech with you and your business. |